9 research outputs found

    Parameterized Complexity of Critical Node Cuts

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    We consider the following natural graph cut problem called Critical Node Cut (CNC): Given a graph GG on nn vertices, and two positive integers kk and xx, determine whether GG has a set of kk vertices whose removal leaves GG with at most xx connected pairs of vertices. We analyze this problem in the framework of parameterized complexity. That is, we are interested in whether or not this problem is solvable in f(κ)⋅nO(1)f(\kappa) \cdot n^{O(1)} time (i.e., whether or not it is fixed-parameter tractable), for various natural parameters κ\kappa. We consider four such parameters: - The size kk of the required cut. - The upper bound xx on the number of remaining connected pairs. - The lower bound yy on the number of connected pairs to be removed. - The treewidth ww of GG. We determine whether or not CNC is fixed-parameter tractable for each of these parameters. We determine this also for all possible aggregations of these four parameters, apart from w+kw+k. Moreover, we also determine whether or not CNC admits a polynomial kernel for all these parameterizations. That is, whether or not there is an algorithm that reduces each instance of CNC in polynomial time to an equivalent instance of size κO(1)\kappa^{O(1)}, where κ\kappa is the given parameter

    Abstracts of Presentations at the 18th Conference of the Entomological Society of Israel

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    Abstracts of papers presented at the Sixth InternationalVerticillium Symposium Abstracts of papers presented at the Seventh Conference of the Entomological Society of Israel

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    Structure and function of proteins in G-protein-coupled signal transfer

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    G Protein-Coupled Receptors and the G Protein Family

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